Analucía Lopezrevoredo
Growing up as a Latin Jew in Southern California, Analucía Lopezrevoredo was surrounded by Latino and Jewish communities, each rich in…
Read MoreMelissa Blaustein
Melissa Blaustein has accomplished a lot in her less-than-40 years on the planet. A Mill Valley native and lifelong Marin County resident, she recently…
Read MoreRebecca & Eric Kaduru
Rebecca was in her early 30s when her life changed in an instant, after a catastrophic car accident shattered her face. She grew up in Los Gatos but had been living and working in Uganda…
Read MoreJulie M.
When Julie first came to Hebrew Free Loan for assistance, she was a single mother of two young sons (a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old). She lived in a small town where it wasn’t easy to make a living, and…
Read MoreAlex Jekowsky
Alex Jekowsky has always been your classic lemonade stand kind of kid. At the age of 13, he used his bar mitzvah money to…
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