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Until Covid-19 hit, things were going well for Margarita Begun. A single mother of two children in high school, Margarita has been supporting herself and her family for the past six years through her work as a business development consultant. With a degree in computer information systems and experience with a variety of industries, Margarita had been steadily building her business into a reliable income stream.

Then came the pandemic. Her clients put their projects on hold, and her income dried up overnight. It was a difficult time for her family.

Margarita first turned to government unemployment benefits to get by, while doing everything she could to generate new clients or find a full-time job. But Covid affected everything. When her unemployment was about to run out and the business landscape hadn’t changed, she remembered seeing an email from Hebrew Free Loan about interest-free Coronavirus Impact loans.

She applied for a loan, and within days Margarita received help to stay afloat. With Hebrew Free Loan’s assistance, she could once again support her family and continue marketing her business until things picked up.

This wasn’t the first time Margarita had turned to Hebrew Free Loan for help during a difficult period. The year before the pandemic, heavy rain and windstorms damaged the roof of her home, and water was leaking inside in multiple places, but insurance wouldn’t pay for the repairs. A General Needs loan made it possible for Margarita to fix the roof quickly and prevent further damage to her family’s home.

“Hebrew Free Loan has been there for my family at the most difficult points of our lives. They provided hope for us when it seemed like there was no way out.  I honestly don’t know if we would have survived without them.”

These days Margarita is feeling hopeful, as the economy has started to re-open and business recovery is underway. Margarita Begun Consulting is back in action, helping small businesses identify new opportunities, expand sales channels, and generate revenue and profitability. She is grateful for Hebrew Free Loan’s assistance during the worst of the pandemic, and looks forward to brighter days ahead.

“Once I get back on my feet, my ultimate goal is to join Hebrew Free Loan’s community of donors, to help support others in need. Paying it forward is a motto in my family.” 


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