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Hebrew Free Loan embarked last year on a historic partnership with the San Francisco Jewish Women’s Fund (SFJWF), a program of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund. Thanks to a generous grant from the SFJWF, we created a new Jewish Women’s Loan Fund to expand our longstanding commitment to financial equality and economic empowerment for women.

Support from the SFJWF has made it possible for us to make seven new interest-free loans so far, totaling $75,000, to women who have struggled to gain access to capital. Close to $20,000 of the amount disbursed in loans has already been repaid, and will be recycled in the coming year to assist additional women overcome challenges and pursue their life dreams.

Loans made to date include:

–   Three emergency loans that helped recipients cover their basic expenses during a difficult time in their lives.

–   Two debt consolidation loans that eased the burden of high-interest debt.

–   Two personal loans that supported women and their families during periods of transition.

For more information contact Terry Lowe, Assistant Director at (415) 546-9902 x108 or

Supported by the San Francisco Jewish Women’s Fund, a program of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.