Adopting a child can be a long and involved process, though Dan and Kelly had prepared for the task. They had even made arrangements with relatives to provide financial assistance for the adoption. But just before Dan and Kelly got the call to fly out to Korea to pick up their son, their relatives’ financial situation turned sour. Without their help, the adoption could not move forward. It was then that Dan and Kelly remembered Hebrew Free Loan.
“One of the things we liked most was that we felt like the folks at Hebrew Free Loan wanted to know who we were, not just what we had,” said Dan.
Filling out the application was an emotional experience for Dan and Kelly. For them, it was similar to the adoption questionnaires – it made them take a look at themselves, why they wanted to adopt and what kind of community their child would grow up in. “We actually felt good about ourselves after we completed the paperwork,” Dan said, “That’s a great reflection of what Hebrew Free Loan is all about.”
Interest-free and convenient low monthly payments deducted right from their bank account made the process easy. Dan and Kelly are now happy parents, in part thanks to Hebrew Free Loan. And, as Dan said, “I hold in my heart the hope that I can be a cosigner or a donor some day. I’m not there yet. At the very least I can do what my friend did, and share what they did for me.”