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We’re a nonprofit that provides interest-free loans to help Jewish individuals in Northern California to overcome financial challenges and pursue life dreams.

Some of our loans are also available to non-Jewish residents of Northern California who fall into one of the following categories:

  • Student from a lower income home who is referred by a partner program (click here to learn more)
  • Employee of a Jewish organization
  • Business partner or immediate family member of a Jewish individual

As loans are repaid, funds are recycled to make new loans. We’ve proven the success of this model with a repayment rate over 99.5%.


IAJFL Accredited LogoHebrew Free Loan is a founding member of the International  Association of Jewish Free Loans (IAJFL). The IAJFL is a network of more than 50 Jewish free loan agencies throughout the world with the common goal of providing  interest-free loans to those in need. If you do not live in Northern California, click here to check out the IAJFL website to find your nearest free loan agency!