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Membership Levels

Membership in our Business Circle offers the opportunity to do well for your business while doing good for your community.

To learn more about the Business Circle, including customized membership benefits, contact Jamie Hyams at (628) 231-2911 or

Visionary – $25,000  
  • All benefits listed below
  • Additional benefits to be arranged with Jamie Hyams, based on individual needs
Aliyah – $18,000  
  • All benefits listed below
  • Additional benefits to be arranged with Jamie Hyams, based on individual needs
Kavod – $10,000    
  • On-stage speaking opportunity
  • All benefits listed below
Mensch – $5,000/year
  • Tickets to Annual Luncheon (Full table if desired; to be arranged individually)
  • Dedicated sponsor display table at Annual Luncheon
  • Pre-event reception with Annual Luncheon speaker
  • All benefits listed below
Double Chai – $3,600/year
  • 4 tickets to Annual Luncheon
  • All benefits listed below
Chai – $1,800/year ($1,000 for business loan recipients’ 1st year of membership)
  • 2 tickets to Annual Business Circle Luncheon
  • 2 tickets to all other Business Circle events
  • Recognition across all platforms, including print advertising, website, & annual impact report
  • Company profile in monthly e-newsletter (one-time)
  • Special recognition in Business Circle Directory
  • Display materials on community information table at Annual Luncheon